Thursday, January 22, 2015

Writers - Never Give Up

            Writers, don’t get discouraged. Since the release of my first book, The Silver Crescent, I thought I’d share the roller-coaster ride I had in getting my books published. It all began five years ago when I entered the first twenty-five pages of my MS into a contest. As any writer would, I thought my work was perfect, and as soon as an editor read it, they’d offer me a contract. Little did I know what I’d go through before that would actually happen. I received my contest scores and was shocked at how low they were. The judges remarks had me in tears, especially the one who told me I had a good idea for a story, if I could only write it. A friend suggested that I take some writing classes, and I did. I signed up for several which were offered on line. The next contest I entered I received a decent score, but still didn’t make it to the finals. I took more classes and finally won first place from the Connecticut Romance Writers. Even though I won the contest, when I submitted it to publishers, it was rejected.
            I started going to conferences and pitching the book in person. At one of these, I received my first break. It was three years ago. An editor of a new small press told me to send him the first three chapters, which I did. A few weeks later he requested the entire MS. My hopes built. Could it really happen this time? Then early one morning I received the email all new writers pray for -- the offer of a contract. Needless to say I was ecstatic. I phoned and emailed all my friends and relatives and walked on a cloud for days. The editing process began, but after working on six chapters our communication began to lag to the point I was afraid something was wrong. Well, I was right. After I sent many emails, I finally received a phone call informing me that due to financial difficulties the publisher would have to close their doors. I was devastated.
            After a long cry and days of moping around the house, I picked myself up and once again sent the MS to another new small press. After a short time I received another contract for the book and we began the editing process. This time we actually got to the point that advanced review copies (ARCs) were sent out, and we were going to press. I had the thrill of actually holding a copy of my book in my hand. Then I received an email telling me they were very sorry, but due to personal circumstances they were closing their doors. Imagine my state of mind! I was beyond devastated; I was crushed. I was on the brink of giving up when my editor from the second publisher suggested I send the MS to The Writer’s Coffee Shop publishing house. So once again I picked myself up and sent it off. I received a contract offer one month later and The Silver Crescent has finally found a home and is doing very well! And last week my second romance, Rue Toulouse, was released and is also doing well. Therefore, the moral of this story is: if you’re confident about your work, keep pursuing your dream and never give up.

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